First of all, let me give a little *wave* to the occasional visitor I have received from the Knitting Blog Web ring. Thanks for visiting! Thanks for your comments!
So, Sunday afternoon, while both of my boys were asleep (husband counts as a boy) I got this wild creative urge to sew... bean bags. The weather has been nuts here in Dallas, if it's not raining it's too wet to play outside or 95 degrees and humid. I decided we needed a rainy day game. Some bean bags, a piece of cardboard with shapes cut out and, viola, you've got some toddler fun for at least 10 minutes. It took me back to my childhood with a vacuum box that I used as a space ship or plane. I drew a keyboard on it and "Type in where you want to go." I was very hi-tech.

The sewing impulse continued, as today I took a break from work and went to the fabric store around the corner... two more sewing projects-worth of fabric is now sitting on my ironing board.
Back to the knitting! After finishing my cabled scarf, I decided I needed something else that would be a quick knit. I've reached the stage in Tulip where it is boring stockinette stitch over and over. I
need something to shape. This felted fireman hat from Vickie Howell's book, New Knits on the Block, has been on my list for a while, but for some reason I couldn't get my brain around the short row shaping. But, thanks again to VH, I saw an episode of Knitty Gritty and my visual-learner brain clicked. (Confession time: I'm a little bit scared of the Dominitrix...)

So, I'm about halfway done, just using a Knit Picks Wool of the Andes Tomato Red.... and Donovan sees the book and says he also wants the Viking outfit. Sigh.
And, despite my whining, Tulip is coming along nicely. I have just a couple more inches to go on the back and I bet the fronts will go quickly.

ttfn... off to knit!