Even though we're 7 years apart, my sister and I have this weird fashion ESP. I'll never forget when she came home from college and I was in junior high and we had bought the exact same bathing suit. It was the '80s and it was pretty hideous, if I recall correctly. Peach and gray stripes - not a tankini, but the belly cut out and the sides attached. So hot.
We still do it on occasion, not wearing the exact same thing, but something similar. Like, at her rehearsal dinner we both wore sundresses with a chocolate brown and white spot thing going on. I've decided to start asking before I get dressed for a major event. Whoever is out of town and has only one outfit option wins.
Well, now we have two boys who are 10 months apart. We met in Salado for a weekend of swimming and just getting away. And.... here's the rest of the story:

(To any visiting knitters - I will get back to the knitting blogs eventually. Just haven't been up to it lately... more on why later... )